The North Indiana Emmaus Community exists to develop Christian leaders for the local church and the world. The approach seriously considers the model of Christ's servanthood and encourages Christ's disciples to act in ways appropriate to being "a servant of all."
Position Name
WSD Jerry Burghduff
ASD Sam Weicht
ASD Roy Nevil
ASD Kent Harting
ASD Douglas Lucker
Chapel Thomas Atkins
WLD Chad Whetstone
ALD Gary DeVore
ALD Scott Nusbaum
ALD Phil Thomas
Tech Matthew Burkhart
TL Tom Collins
TL Steve Pilgrim
TL Claude Newcomb
TL Dave Healy
ATL Brian Bixler
ATL Nathan Strong
ATL Doug Norris
ATL Kevin VanDuyne
Board Rep Kevin Ruch
Head Kitchen Darrin Daniel
Kitchen Dennis Lockwood
Kitchen Dan Ormsby
Kitchen Tom Hudson
Kitchen Dan Lockwood
Kitchen Dan Franklin
Head BTS Bret Lavengood
BTS Rodney Jacobs
BTS Mark Bish
BTS Rodney Crist
BTS Ryan Parson
Music Lead Bill Ramseyer
Music Pat Murphy
Music Dan Weigold